莎朗斯通再改口 发正式道歉声明

[稿源:大公网 CNN]
[编辑:朱一卿]     莎朗斯通这个女人真是太“行”了,一张嘴横竖怎么都能张。提供中英两种版本,自己看吧。请注意她使用了“I apologize”一词。但她强调自己不是有意的。她自己“走了神”,而媒体又大肆炒作,制造了这次事件。可看看美国《时代周刊》的文章,那可是写出来正式发表的,不可能是“走神”吧?那文章说莎朗斯通的观点就是代表了西方绝大多数人的想法,只不过表现形式有点极端! 【大公网讯】美国有线电视新闻网6月1日报道,好莱坞明星莎朗·斯通(莎朗史东)周六发表了一份声明,称她对此前针对中国地震发表的言论表示“莫大的遗憾”。而在美国时间本周四晚上,她接受《纽约时报》长达45分钟的电话采访时,她还坚称自己从未就此事表示道歉,Dior以她的名义发表的道歉歪曲了她的本意。莎朗·斯通于周六发表的这份是其亲自起草的,她在声明中说,“千真万确,那是出于口误。”“犯下这个错误我感到莫大的遗憾。那是不理智的,我道歉。我说那些话并没有想伤害任何人的意思。”“那是由于一时分心和对消息的敏感。”“媒体对这件事的报道铺天盖地。我想尽快告诉他们我心里的想法,以便阻止人们去进行各种理解。”在前不久的戛纳国际电影节上,莎朗·斯通在回答对于中国四川地震吉隆坡电影票的看法时,称她不满意中国人对待达赖喇嘛的做法,因此地震是“对中国人的报应”。此言一出,立即在国际社会引起轩然大波,谴责如雪片般飞来,与莎朗·斯通合作的法国公司也打算撤掉她的广告。无奈之下,莎朗·斯通于本周六发表了上述声明。   (CNN) -- Actress Sharon Stone said in a statement Saturday that she "could not be more regretful" of her comments this month regarding the earthquake in China, in which she suggested that the quake was an act of "karma." Sharon Stone made the controversial remarks before she hosted a charity auction at the Cannes Film Festival. "Yes, I misspoke," said the statement released by Stones publicist and entitled "In my own words by Sharon Stone." "I could not be more regretful of that mistake. It was unintentional. I apologize. Those words were never meant to be hurtful to anyone," Stone said. "They were an accident of my distraction and a product of news sensationalism." Stone said Saturday that she was issuing the statement to set the record straight about the comments she made to a reporter at the Cannes   The statement drew fire from citizens and government officials. "There have been numerous reports about what I said in Cannes. I would like to set the record straight about what I feel in my heart and end all of the understandings," she said. "Theyre not being nice to the Dalai Lama, who is a friend of mine," Stone said on camera at the time, discussing the Chinese. "And then all of this earthquake and all this happened and I thought, is that karma? When youre not nice, that bad things happen to you?" Dont Miss
  • Sharon Stone films banned in China after karma comment
  • Stone reaps bad karma for quake commen


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