
著名流行女歌手张靓颖2006年在北京的发布会上宣传她的专辑 作为三年前超女比赛的优胜者张靓颖在中国拥有大量的歌迷     风靡一时的选秀歌唱比赛在西方正受到大量质疑。尽管参赛选手们展示了自己的才华和高涨的人气,却依然发现人们对其不屑一顾。评论家们认为这类比赛仅仅提供了一条无需才能和努力就能成名的造星捷径。     而2005年超级女声(中国版选秀比赛)的参赛者张靓颖却认为没有那么简单。“比赛非常辛苦繁杂,”她说,“我只能用一个字来形容:累。”     张靓颖一直在努力突破自己在三年前的选秀比赛中塑造起来的大众形象。超凡的音域跨越掌控能力为她赢得了“海豚公主”的美誉,也使得她比同时参赛的其他选手更容易向更加“艺术”的音乐事业迈进。     仅仅在2005年超女比赛一年之后,张靓颖就和中国最著名的音乐家进行了合作。她携手著名的先锋派作曲家谭盾和享誉世界的钢琴家朗朗,演绎了2006年的电影巨制《夜宴》的主题曲。而大多数歌手只有在自己的事业巅峰时期才可能有机会参与如此高端场合的工作。     对于自己与谭盾的合作,张靓颖说:“我必须感谢谭盾,他给予了我很多。”     张靓颖有理由感谢谭盾,他们的合作为她赢得了一个选秀歌手通常难以企及的声望和认同,同时也引发了关于音乐流派以及艺术家如何并且能否自由跨界的讨论。     与很多人期望的中国流行风格不同的是,她的第二张专辑听上去更像R&B和爵士风格的混合体。张靓颖说:“我不希望被限定在某一类型,我的声音应该是优雅而灵活的。我想唱带给我快乐的东西,所以我倾向于活力变通。”     张靓颖还参与到了致力于在今后10年消除战争的国际WP1系列音乐会中。除了《夜宴》,她还演唱了电影《功夫之王》和获得热赞的电视连续剧《神雕侠侣》的主题曲。     人们难以相信选秀出身的歌手能够取得这些成就。然而,张靓颖却在这条三年前很少有人能够预见的道路上大步前进。     上月初,张靓颖受邀出访东京参加演出。作为中国国家主席胡锦涛日本暖春之旅的一部分,张靓颖还在日本首相福田康夫的官邸进行了精彩表演,通过她的音乐为增进两国青年的文化交流和友谊作出了积极的贡献。 (稿源:中国日报 译文:百度贴吧 选稿:最爱李哲 编辑:朱一卿) Though wildly popular, the Idol singing competitions in the West are viewed with much skepticism. Despite showing talent and having a large fan base, participants often find themselves pigeonholed. Critics claim that the competition offers an easy shortcut to stardom, and calls for neither talent nor hard work. But 2005 Super Girl (Chinas version of Idol) participant Zhang Liangying believes it is not as simple as it seems. "Its very complicated," she says. "I have only one word to describe it: tiring." Zhang, better known as Jane Zhang, has been trying to free herself from the pop image her performance in Chinas Idol competition earned her, three years ago. Dubbed "Dolphin Princess" for the uncommon flexibility of her vocal range, Zhangs journey toward a more "artistic" musical career has been easier than that of many of her peers. Just one year after the completion of 2005s Super Girl, Zhang found herself collaborating wi2001年电视剧th two of Chinas most respected musicians. She sang the theme song for the 2006 film The Banquet, joining hands with avant-garde composer Tan Dun and award-winning pianist Lang Lang. Most singers can only expect to work on such high-profile projects at the peak of their careers. Zhang has a large fan base in the country since winning the singing competition three years ago. Photos by Xiao Huaiyuan On her experience of working with Tan, Zhang says, "I must thank Tan Dun. He has given me so much." Zhang certainly has reason to thank him. Their collaboration has brought Zhang far more respect than what Idol


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