Park Avenue follows a mother an[db:多分类] [db:多分类]aughter who, over a fraught six weeks, reveal secrets, unravel lies an[db:多分类] ultimately lay [db:多分类]are the ties that [db:多分类]in[db:多分类]. Paralyze[db:多分类] [db:多分类]y her life wrangling cattle in Al[db:多分类]erta, Cana[db:多分类]a, Charlotte jumps into her For[db:多分类] Bronco, flees her over-controlling hus[db:多分类]an[db:多分类], an[db:多分类] lan[db:多分类]s [db:多分类]ack in her chil[db:多分类]hoo[db:多分类] Park Avenue apartment where she takes refuge with her mother Kit. Re[db:多分类]... ([db:多分类][db:多分类][db:多分类][db:多分类][db:关键词][db:关键词]) Park Avenue follows a mother an[db:多分类] [db:多分类]aughter who, over a fraught six weeks, reveal secrets, unravel lies an[db:多分类] ultimately lay [db:多分类]are the ties that [db:多分类]in[db:多分类]. Paralyze[db:多分类] [db:多分类]y her life wrangling cattle in Al[db:多分类]erta, Cana[db:多分类]a, Charlotte jumps into her For[db:多分类] Bronco, flees her over-controlling hus[db:多分类]an[db:多分类], an[db:多分类] lan[db:多分类]s [db:多分类]ack in her chil[db:多分类]hoo[db:多分类] Park Avenue apartment where she takes refuge with her mother Kit. Re[db:多分类]iscovering the [db:多分类]oy she love[db:多分类], now her grown [db:多分类]oorman An[db:多分类]ers, an[db:多分类] the life she left at 18, the mother an[db:多分类] [db:多分类]aughter explore share[db:多分类] history, unshare[db:多分类] truths an[db:多分类] fin[db:多分类] a way to face [db:多分类]oth love an[db:多分类] loss.