Following DS Jones’s promotion to Detective Inspector, Barnaby is joined by DS Charlie Nelson who has moved to Midsomer from London. The villagers of Midsomer Mallow are trying to awaken the ghost of little Rosie, the Blacksmith’s daughter and following a murder during the Manor House’s Fright Night, Nelson is thrown in at the deep end. Will Barnaby and Nelson unravel the myste... (展开全部) Following DS Jones’s promotion to Detective Inspector, Barnaby is joined by DS Charlie Nelson who has moved to Midsomer from London. The villagers of Midsomer Mallow are trying to awaken the ghost of little Rosie, the Blacksmith’s daughter and following a murder during the Manor House’s Fright Night, Nelson is thrown in at the deep end. Will Barnaby and Nelson unravel the mysteries that lie behind the ghost stories or will the eccentricities of the villagers hinder their investigation?
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