As with the original series, the remake will follow the story of estranged siblings who return to their hometown after their father's death. Burcu Özberk plays Deniz, wife to Ateş Akça (played by Gökhan Alkan), a former NBA player whose family is at the front and center of his life. A rape scandal will overshadow the happiness of Ateş Akça, who has a beautiful marriage with his... (展开全部) As with the original series, the remake will follow the story of estranged siblings who return to their hometown after their father's death. Burcu Özberk plays Deniz, wife to Ateş Akça (played by Gökhan Alkan), a former NBA player whose family is at the front and center of his life. A rape scandal will overshadow the happiness of Ateş Akça, who has a beautiful marriage with his wife Deniz and daughter Rüya. An escort named İpek will appear and say that she has been raped by more than one basketball team player, kick-starting the series' events. This accusation against Ateş and his teammates will darken Deniz's life