The film revolves around Crowsnest Tribal Police Department cop Teddy Littlechild, who is tasked with teaching his naive new partner Sandra how policing is different on reservation despite being tormented by a mysterious shame that led him to isolation in the past. Meanwhile, Richie Blacklance, who is on the run for a series of brutal gangland murders, returns to the reservatio... (展开全部) The film revolves around Crowsnest Tribal Police Department cop Teddy Littlechild, who is tasked with teaching his naive new partner Sandra how policing is different on reservation despite being tormented by a mysterious shame that led him to isolation in the past. Meanwhile, Richie Blacklance, who is on the run for a series of brutal gangland murders, returns to the reservation to lay low. Richie’s return forces Teddy to face his past in hopes of finally finding redemption and ending the cycle of gang violence in his community.
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