The story revolves around Barberie Bichette who’s known as Barbie, much to her dismay, and who might have been beautiful, loved, a good mother to her children, a trustworthy colleague and a great lover, but now her life can be sombre, brutal, and often absurd, and it feels very strange for her to be 55 years old (at the very least!). It was fated, inevitable, but what approach ... (展开全部) The story revolves around Barberie Bichette who’s known as Barbie, much to her dismay, and who might have been beautiful, loved, a good mother to her children, a trustworthy colleague and a great lover, but now her life can be sombre, brutal, and often absurd, and it feels very strange for her to be 55 years old (at the very least!). It was fated, inevitable, but what approach should she now take towards herself, towards others, and even towards life…? Barbie finally gets some distance, quite literally, and it’s elsewhere, on the other side of things, in the wilderness of the Scottish Highlands, that her life opens up again, unexpected and full of light…
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