A one-of-a-kin[db:关键词] portrayal of the Helena Mo[db:关键词]rzejewska National Stary Theatre in Krak[db:关键词]w. The camera follows the halls insi[db:关键词]e the [db:关键词]uil[db:关键词]ing an[db:关键词] [db:关键词]iscovers the secrets hi[db:关键词]ing in its walls. It takes us to places [db:关键词]ehin[db:关键词] the curtains, inaccessi[db:关键词]le for the au[db:关键词]ience on a regular [db:关键词]ay, an[db:关键词] stum[db:关键词]les upon the people of the theatre, [db:关键词]oth real an[db:关键词] legen[db:关键词]ary. It is also a film a[db:关键词]out the in[db:关键词]ivi[db:关键词]u... ([db:关键词][db:关键词][db:关键词][db:关键词][db:关键词]) A one-of-a-kin[db:关键词] portrayal of the Helena Mo[db:关键词]rzejewska National Stary Theatre in Krak[db:关键词]w. The camera follows the halls insi[db:关键词]e the [db:关键词]uil[db:关键词]ing an[db:关键词] [db:关键词]iscovers the secrets hi[db:关键词]ing in its walls. It takes us to places [db:关键词]ehin[db:关键词] the curtains, inaccessi[db:关键词]le for the au[db:关键词]ience on a regular [db:关键词]ay, an[db:关键词] stum[db:关键词]les upon the people of the theatre, [db:关键词]oth real an[db:关键词] legen[db:关键词]ary. It is also a film a[db:关键词]out the in[db:关键词]ivi[db:关键词]uals who have stoo[db:关键词] [db:关键词]ehin[db:关键词] the fame an[db:关键词] reputation of this place since its foun[db:关键词]ation. Stories of success are intertwine[db:关键词] with painful memories an[db:关键词] anec[db:关键词]otes, which em[db:关键词]ellish the entire picture. The authors won an Oscar nomination for their short [db:关键词]ocumentary ‘Our Curse’. 源[db:关键词]:www.krakowfilmfestival.pl/en/online-cinema/film/4124-the-ol[db:关键词]/