The story revolves around 16-year-old Rosemay who lives with a host family all year round and who sets off to join her biological family for the holidays. But when she arrives, her father isn’t at the station to welcome her as planned. A few days pass but still he doesn’t materialise. It’s as if he’s vanished into thin air, and when Rosemay repeatedly questions her mother, the ... (展开全部) The story revolves around 16-year-old Rosemay who lives with a host family all year round and who sets off to join her biological family for the holidays. But when she arrives, her father isn’t at the station to welcome her as planned. A few days pass but still he doesn’t materialise. It’s as if he’s vanished into thin air, and when Rosemay repeatedly questions her mother, the latter continually contradicts herself. Harbouring an intuition of what the truth really is, Rosemay learns to listen to herself, to write and to betray the ones she loves…
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