In development for nearly a decade, The Trainer is based on an original story by Schnabel. The film unfolding over eight days of sleep-deprived chaos follows Jack (Schnabel), a down-on-his-luck fitness expert living with his mother in Los Angeles, who takes a maniacal swing at fame and fortune, trying to realize his version of the American dream. Schnabel, Kaye and Jeremy Steck... (展开全部) In development for nearly a decade, The Trainer is based on an original story by Schnabel. The film unfolding over eight days of sleep-deprived chaos follows Jack (Schnabel), a down-on-his-luck fitness expert living with his mother in Los Angeles, who takes a maniacal swing at fame and fortune, trying to realize his version of the American dream. Schnabel, Kaye and Jeremy Steckler (Old Man and the Gun, Only the Brave) are producing, with George Paaswell (Night House, Jack Goes Boating) on board to exec produce. Production will kick off in Los Angeles in early April.
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